Carlsberg Pilsner is a premium Danish lager with a 5% ABV. It's a crisp, refreshing, perfectly balanced beer that has a full flavor and hoppy aroma. Carlsberg Danish Pilsner is brewed with the principals learned from over 100 years brewing experience to produce a lager with distinctive citrus and floral hop aromas that delivers great depth of flavor, making it the perfect beer for those that value authentic and quality drinking experiences. That's why at Carlsberg we've been exporting our finest beer since 1869. Carlsberg originates from Copenhagen, Denmark. J.C Jacobsen, our founder, brewed Denmark's first ever pint using a yeast that became the basis for many modern-day imitations. We Danes love to share, it's in our nature. In fact, almost all modern-day lagers are derived from the original yeast, Saccharomyces Carlsbergensis, used to brew Carlsberg. Enjoy the perfect pint of Carlsberg at home or in the pub! Can small refinements make a big difference, and create the most balanced pilsner beer in the world? Probably.

Carlsberg Danish Pilsner (6 Pk)
6 x 330ml bottle / Pilsner / 5% ABV / Denmark