Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

Jim Beam Bourbon Whiskey 750ml

  • $32.99
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Bourbon / 40% ABV / Kentucky, USA

Founded in 1795 and passed down through one family for the past seven generations, Jim Beam is the world's best-selling bourbon. From Tokyo to London to Louisville, Jim Beam sets the benchmark for what a bourbon should be, aged twice as long as required by law for a flavor that's unlike any other. Distilled with corn, malted barley, time, pride and passion, there's a reason why Jim Beam Bourbon is on almost every bar shelf. However, it isn't the name that should entice you. Opening a bottle is the best way to celebrate life events, gatherings, or just hanging out with friends. It's as versatile as it is smooth, something you've probably always aspired to be, yet it does so effortlessly.

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