Ciroc Vodka 750ml

Ciroc Vodka 750ml

  • $52.99
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Vodka /40% ABV / France

Vodka lovers, you've never sipped an ultra-premium spirit like this before. Cîroc is a French vodka distilled from grapes harvested from the Gaillac and Cognac regions. After an innovative cold fermentation process, Cîroc is distilled five times to produce an amazingly smooth vodka. One of the most distinct vodkas on the market, Cîroc is sure to stick with you.

Cîroc may be distilled from grapes, but when you sip this vodka, you'll taste some lightly fruity notes rather than a full-on grape flavor. Look for notes of orange and anise and enjoy the crisp finish of this luxurious spirit.

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